Modern & Jazz

Modern & Jazz in Lincoln.

Both modern and jazz dance techniques are based on the basics of the old ballet tradition, even though both forms were considered to be rebellions against it.

Modern, Jazz and Contemporary Dance is most of what you see on TV these days i.e: Got to Dance, So You Think You Can Dance to name but a few. The movements are big and exaggerated and there is usually an attitude the dancer conveys to the audience. The attitude would depend on the dance.

Spotlight Dance Studios follows the Imperial Society of Dancing (ISTD) syllabus for modern dance classes. For jazz, we teach as many different popular styles as possible; ranging from Fosse, to Fred and Ginger, lyrical and blues, salsa, pop, hip hop, commercial and street (to mention just a few).

For more information on the Imperial Society of Dancing, please click here to visit their website.

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